Post Views: 176 Our website offers a wide variety of different content in French and/or English.Its activity is mainly divided into three types of content : Volunteer Position Criteria ...

Post Views: 75 As part of an increase in the quality of our content, we want to offer new video concepts such as the DLP Bugle – Express, which focuses on the main news from Disneyland Paris. Volunteer Position Criteria Please note that this is a volunteer assignment and does ...

Post Views: 91 Following the reinvention of our ED92Radio channel, we want to develop new audio content concepts specifically adapted for this format, but also to offer various Podcasts. Volunteer Position Criteria Please note that this is a volunteer assignment and does not constitute an offer of employment. Please also ...

Post Views: 187 Broadcasting photos and videos live from Disneyland Paris is one of the pillars of ED92. In order to be able to offer them on a daily basis, without imposing a high rate of visits on everyone, we are looking for new Reporters. Volunteer Position Criteria Please note ...

Post Views: 115 As part of our efforts to improve the quality of our content, we are looking for experts in various fields to assist our teams in their content creation as consultants. Volunteer Position Criteria Please note that this is a volunteer assignment and does not constitute an offer ...

Post Views: 140 Our Instagram album is our third largest media.Its activity is mainly divided into two types of publications: Volunteer Position Criteria Please be aware that this is a voluntary assignment and does not constitute an offer of employment. Please be also aware we are unable to cover any ...

Post Views: 626 Our Twitter feed is our second most important medium. It offers a lot of content in English on a wide range of topics. Its activity is mainly divided into two types of publications: Volunteer Position Criteria Please be aware that this is a voluntary assignment and does ...

Post Views: 413 Our Facebook page is our flagship media. It offers a wide range of content in French on a wide range of subjects.Its activity is mainly divided into two types of publications: Volunteer Position Criteria Please be aware that this is a voluntary assignment and does not constitute ...